Welcome and thank you for visiting Shonan Masonic Lodge’s home webpage. Whether you are visiting this site to seek answers about Freemasonry or were just curious, Thank You for taking the time and visiting us.
Shonan Masonic Lodge is the newest lodge under the Grand Lodge of Japan, and is located in Fujisawa, Japan. Nine Charter Brothers came together in 2019 and petitioned the Grand Lodge of Japan for Disposition to form a new lodge in the Shonan Area. We are at the beginning stages of our journey as a lodge and have many things planned for the future.
When we were in the beginning stage of forming this lodge there was a lot of work that went into establishing Shonan Masonic Lodge. However, all of the Charter members had the following goals in mind when writing our petition to the Grand Lodge: Be a valuable part of our community and surrounding areas; seek out and assist with charitable opportunities; help improve our local community; and last expand Freemasonry in Japan.
We are already starting to increase our membership which was one of our goals. Our lodge is also forming relations with local organizations and beginning our charity work in the community. We are looking forward to the future and becoming involved in local community events in all of the Shonan communities.
I have the honor of being the first Worshipful Master of Shonan Masonic Lodge and along with all the Brothers of our lodge invite you to ask questions about Freemasonry. If you would like to visit our lodge and meet the Brothers we would love the opportunity to meet you and introduce ourselves.
Finally, I would like to take a moment to dispel a misconception that many people have about Freemasonry. Many believe that joining Masonry is by invitation only. Some will wait until asked by a Friend or Family member to become a Mason and while waiting miss out on the opportunity to become a Freemason. The Grand Lodge of Japan does not recruit Freemasons. Rather we believe in the importance of a man stepping forward of his own free will and asking to join our wonderful fraternity. Masonry places great importance on the ‘free will and accord’ of the man. No Mason will try to talk you into joining. It’s up to you if you want to become a Mason.
A motto we live by is “To Be One Ask One.” 2B1ASK1
Again, thank you for taking the time to visit our webpage. If you have any questions about Freemasonry, please do not hesitate to contact us.
WB David Carrano
Master of Shonan Masonic Lodge #25 (2019-2022)
Fujisawa, Japan