Our Logo

Our logo consists of two symbols. 

  • Enoshima – the symbol of Shonan
  • Mt Fuji – taking our cue from Lord Ieyasu Tokugawa, we chose for our second symbol Mt Fuji, which represents “the human spirit will live forever.” (Fuji is a Japanese homonym for “never die”).

Our Motto


“Dare to Know”

We selected this for two audiences. 

  • For we of Shonan Lodge, it expresses our desire to study and learn more about Freemasonry in order to better ourselves for the benefit of society.
  • For people interested in Freemasonry, we want to talk to you about Freemasonry. Rather than going to websites of unknown provenance, or believing urban legends, wouldn’t you rather talk to an actual Freemason so recognized by the Grand Lodge of Japan?